Music Performance Trust Fund

Music Performance Trust Fund

The Music Performance Trust Fund (MPTF) was established in 1948 as a nonprofit independent public service organization whose mission includes contributing to the public knowledge and appreciation of music, as well as making music a part of every child’s life experience. Headquartered in New York City, the tax-exempt MPTF, operating under section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code, evolved from a landmark collective bargaining agreement between the American Federation of Musicians and the major recording companies of the day. Today the MPTF is a vital organization that brings music to the public and supplements the income of musicians, all at no cost to those receiving this precious gift of music.

Scholarship Application

The Music Performance Trust Fund invites young adults who have grown up in a musical family to tell us their story! Applicants must be a child of a professional musician, and pursuing further education after high school. The program is open to qualified students who meet all the minimum qualifications.


This year the Music Performance Trust Fund presented over 2,000 live, admission-free musical programs. An impressive figure, although considerably lower than in previous years, due to our loss of income caused by illegal downloading and piracy. Nevertheless, the Fund remains the largest provider of free, musical programs for audiences representing every ethnic, economic, social and age group. Our music reaches deep into communities touching the lives of so many; bringing joy to the lonely in nursing homes, bittersweet memories to our vets, hope to at-risk and incarcerated young men and women and songs to children-many who have never experienced live music.

Music in the Schools

As music programs in schools continue to decline, the Music Performance Trust Fund has been increasing its support and commitment in this area. At present, approximately 35% of available funds are earmarked for in-school programming. The MPTF is proud to co-sponsor programs that not only present live music to the children, but also incorporate historic, instrumental and theoretical workshops. To continue its funding of these invaluable programs, MPTF is broadening its local and nationwide search for philanthropic support.

This year, the MPTF expanded our support in education with a special campaign to introduce new local programs. The initiative included over $140,000 of new funding to fully sponsor 172 additional educational performance events in 21 U.S. cities and in seven Canadian metropolitan areas.


The Music Performance Trust Fund has a long-standing tradition of providing music entertainment for senior citizens. Although older enthusiasts enjoy our park events, community concerts, and symphonic performances, we have strived to connect more deeply and more intimately with our aging population, who face growing economic, mobility, and social challenges. In 2015, the MPTF developed a program called MusicianFest as an umbrella covering free senior center performances

How to Apply

To apply for an MPTF grant, seek the assistance of the Local office. We can help in planning and organizing your event. Recipients of grants are required to handle the necessary payroll requirements of hiring professional musicians, including appropriate payments to pension funds and taxes. We will provide the financial and contact information necessary to make this happen. MPTF-funded events must be free of charge and without any conditions for admittance. They cannot be fund-raising events or raffles regardless of the merit.

We require grant applications be submitted at least 30 days prior to the performance. Grant recipients should include the MPTF in event programs, press releases, websites, posted signs, and other public notifications, along with other event sponsors. Once the event happens, the MPTF requires written certification that the performance was completed, upon which grant payments are initiated.

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